SAPUI5 Development

Bar Chart using VizFrame in SAPUI5


1.sapui5 framework
2.basic javascript knowledge and sap.viz library loaded

                 VizFrame is a viz control that manages a visualization’s initialization, layout, feeding, customization and interactions.VizFrame is available in sap.viz.ui5.controls library.We can see how we can create bar,column or line chart using VizFrame.


  1. Create Application using SAP Web IDE or eclipse with a view and controller.If you dont know how to refer my previous tutorial.Application Using SAP Web IDE
  2. First inside onInit() method of the controller we will create a json model and set data to the model and set the model to the view.
    onInit: function() {
        var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel({
            book: [{
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 295584.81,
                "Item Category": "Action Movies",
                "Profit": 173793.31,
                "Revenue": 469378.12,
                "Unit Price": 1240.79,
                "Units Available": 17336,
                "Units Sold": 57571
            }, {
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 215065.45,
                "Item Category": "Alternative Movies",
                "Profit": 140874.87,
                "Revenue": 355940.33,
                "Unit Price": 1319.07,
                "Units Available": 11270,
                "Units Sold": 48552
            }, {
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 115132.04,
                "Item Category": "Audio Equipment",
                "Profit": 56994.34,
                "Revenue": 172126.37,
                "Unit Price": 763.21,
                "Units Available": 11248,
                "Units Sold": 37303
            }, {
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 171742.42,
                "Item Category": "Cameras",
                "Profit": 81093.4,
                "Revenue": 252835.82,
                "Unit Price": 1143.57,
                "Units Available": 14917,
                "Units Sold": 51664
            }, {
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 331033.94,
                "Item Category": "Comedy Movies",
                "Profit": 150465.23,
                "Revenue": 481499.18,
                "Unit Price": 2268.02,
                "Units Available": 22449,
                "Units Sold": 69005
            }, {
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 207854.46,
                "Item Category": "Country Music",
                "Profit": 115242.56,
                "Revenue": 323097.02,
                "Unit Price": 1456.91,
                "Units Available": 17996,
                " Units Sold": 45346
            }, {
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 243875.22,
                "Item Category": "Drama",
                "Profit": 124653.66,
                "Revenue": 368528.87,
                "Unit Price": 1369.83,
                "Units Available": 23662,
                "Units Sold": 66737
            }, {
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 294962,
                "Item Category": "Horror Movies",
                "Profit": 124668.09,
                "Revenue": 419630.09,
                "Unit Price": 1658.12,
                "Units Available": 26538,
                "Units Sold": 78528
            }, {
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 20362.45,
                "Item Category": "Pop",
                "Profit": 7955.24,
                "Revenue": 28317.7,
                "Unit Price": 148.76,
                "Units Available": 6227,
                "Units Sold": 16389
            }, {
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 253598.76,
                "Item Category": "Rock",
                "Profit": 141583.73,
                "Revenue": 395182.49,
                "Unit Price": 1337.09,
                "Units Available": 14801,
                "Units Sold": 579010
            }, {
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 142550.68,
                "Item Category": "Soul / R&B",
                "Profit": 80381.86,
                "Revenue": 222932.54,
                "Unit Price": 1250.65,
                "Units Available": 11900,
                "Units Sold": 321511
            }, {
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 174617.63,
                "Item Category": "TV's",
                "Profit": 87620.46,
                "Revenue": 262238.09,
                "Unit Price": 967.09,
                "Units Available": 16738,
                "Units Sold": 646512
            }, {
                "City": "New York ",
                "Cost": 42853.89,
                "Item Category": "Video Equipment",
                "Profit": 23242.33,
                "Revenue": 66096.22,
                "Unit Price": 209.79,
                "Units Available": 6344,
                "Units Sold": 2007
  4. Create VizFrame control inside Page control in the view and give properties.
  5. <mvc:View controllerName="local.controller" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:viz="sap.viz.ui5.controls" xmlns:viz.feeds="sap.viz.ui5.controls.common.feeds""">
            <Page title="Chart Demo">
                    <viz:VizFrame id="oVizFrame" busy="false" busyIndicatorDelay="1000" visible="true" uiConfig="{ 'applicationSet': 'fiori' }" vizType="bar" legendVisible="true">

  6. Add dataset to the VizFrame.Set dimensions and measures.
  7. <viz:dataset>
        < data="{/book}">
                < name="Item Category" value="{Item Category}" />
                < group="1" name="Revenue" value="{Revenue}" />
                < group="1" name="Cost" value="{Cost}" />
                < group="1" name="Profit" value="{Profit}" />
  8. Add feeds to the VizFrame.Note the difference in uid .
  9. <viz:feeds>
        <viz.feeds:FeedItem id="value1" uid="primaryValues" type="Measure" values="Revenue" />
        <viz.feeds:FeedItem id="value2" uid="primaryValues" type="Measure" values="Cost" />
        <viz.feeds:FeedItem id="value3" uid="primaryValues" type="Measure" values="Profit" />
        <viz.feeds:FeedItem uid="categoryAxis" type="Dimension" values="Item Category" />
  10. All set now place the view at content div(Needed when using jsbin).Its automatically done when using IDE
  11. Output chart will look like this
  12. See sample code in jsbin

  13. bar Chart XML view
    bar Chart JS view
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  1. How to change color of the bars?

    1. You can make use of 'vizProperties' property of VizFrame control. For example
      'vizProperties': {
      'plotArea': {
      'colorPalette': ["#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#FF00FF"]

  2. How to turn vizframe bar chart 90 to left?

    1. You can use 'vizType' as column instead of using bar for this usecase


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