How to validate External Mail Address in SAP ABAP using externel API

Hi Guys ,

               In this tutorial i am going to show you how to validate External mail address in SAP ABAP

Here am not going to check '@' or '.com' . I am using an external API to check whether  a mail id is

valid or not .

There are many ways that we could check a mail id . I will be using  an email validator api  .

And now i am going to show you how easily we could use this on SAP ABAP .

  • Checkout this code below

PARAMETERS: p_mail(100) LOWER CASE.                 " E-Mail id to be verified
DATA: http_client TYPE REF TO if_http_client .
DATA: w_string TYPE string ,
      w_result TYPE string ,
      f_str    type string ,
      r_str    TYPE string .
DATA: result_tab TYPE TABLE OF string.
  CLEAR w_string .

*concatnate the api with the email id below *
'**your acces key goes here**' p_mail '&VerificationLevel=3'
  w_string .

* This method is used to access an externel url and get response into an internel table *

  CALL METHOD cl_http_client=>create_by_url
      url                = w_string                                                "pushing url into the method
      client             = http_client
      argument_not_found = 1
      plugin_not_active  = 2
      internal_error     = 3
      OTHERS             = 4.
  CALL METHOD http_client->send
      http_communication_failure = 1
      http_invalid_state         = 2.
  CALL METHOD http_client->receive
      http_communication_failure = 1
      http_invalid_state         = 2
      http_processing_failed     = 3.
  CLEAR w_result .
  w_result = http_client->response->get_cdata( ).
  REFRESH result_tab .
  SPLIT w_result AT cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf INTO TABLE result_tab .      "result tab will have the response values

  READ TABLE result_tab INTO r_str INDEX 1.                                   "convert values into a string

  split r_str at '"' into table data(itab).                                   "split the response using '"' and put into another internel table

  read table itab into f_str index 12.                                        " value in the index 12 will show wheather the email is valid or not

  IF f_str = '1'.
    WRITE:/ 'Vaild Email Address'.
    clear f_str.
    read table itab into f_str index 16.                                      "value in the index 16 will show  the reason why the email is not valid
    WRITE:/ f_str.


  • First we try to put a wrong email id and see what happens 

  • The result is ...
  • Try with an actual just go with amazon customer care id 

  • Here it goes ...

  • I used a trial email validator api from .

    In order to get a  trial key just need to goto and put it your name and email id  or just play around with the code you could use any api using this code 

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